Our funded webinar presentations aim to provide your students, as the future drivers of America, with the knowledge of cleaner transportation




Green Driving America Inc. (GDA) is a 501c3 nonprofit grassroots organization based in California with a branch location in Vermont. We advocate for clean transportation and transportation efficiency, with a specialty on education in the school community.


BACKGROUND: GDA’s roots are in Vermont, begun as Idle-Free VT in 2006. The organization has worked with educators in the Vermont school community since 2013 to give 120+ funded, guest-speaking green driving presentations in driver education classes along with some high school STEM classes. More than 2,000 students learned about the benefits in how we drive: smart driving practices such as accelerate and brake smoothly, watching speed, avoiding unnecessary idling, and more.


GDA executive director, Wayne Michaud, is a two-time Air Quality Champion, being recognized by the American Lung Association in Vermont and East Bay (CA) Clean Cities. He is also a Transportation Solutions contributing writer for the Vermont publication: Green Energy Times.


Thanks to the Climate Catalysts Innovation Fund of the Vermont Council on Rural Development, for the second year running, The Clean Transportation Path© project is offering webinar presentations for high school STEM, Social Studies, and other interested educators. Funding is currently available through January 2025. Featured are 45-minute1 to one hour+ guest-speaking PowerPoint and video presentations given virtually (such as Zoom) by trained college level interns2 from Vermont colleges or Dartmouth College, showing students the cost savings / CO2 emissions and fossil fuel use reductions / improved air quality benefits of plug-in vehicles (PHEVs and EVs):

• How they operate and differ from traditional gas vehicles

• How their maintenance/repair costs are typically one-half of gas vehicles

Electric vehicles use half the energy of gas-powered vehicles

• Details on plug-in vehicle charging and Vermont’s growing charging station infrastructure

• Vermont's growing plug-in vehicle registrations hitting 15,000 in 2024 (40% increase in last year alone)3

• Hundreds to thousands of dollars in purchase/lease incentives of new and used versions of these vehicles, offered by Vermont electric utility companies serving customers around the state, plus the EV Federal Tax Credit

• How they perform in cold weather

• That EVs alone are not the total clean transportation answer

• A brief guide on smart driving practices in gas-powered vehicles

• Our presentations also touch on alternatives to driving, including public transportation, bicycling, walking, and ride sharing/car pooling

Student PDF handout summation of this presentation


1Truncated 30-minute presentations also available

2Interns, who are paid a stipend, are trained to avoid being scripted, and encouraged to be engaging and to add their own personal experience to the subject matter.

3Raising awareness and acceptance of cleaner transportation is critical. Despite the inroads these vehicles have made, in many states, including Vermont, as of 2023, approximately 90% of light-duty vehicle fuel types on the road are gasoline and diesel as opposed to hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and all-electrics


Presentations listing for TCTP project—reaching more than 500 students from 2022 to date—along with educator accolades

Drive Electric Vermont, the state source on vehicle electrification advocacy and information,

has endorsed our presentations:

“Drive Electric Vermont endorses The Clean Transportation Path presentations Green Driving America is giving in Vermont high school driver education, STEM and social studies classes. The benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) to future drivers of Vermont are clearly described in the presentation, along with important information on incentives and additional cost savings associated with EVs. Vermont has ambitious goals to reduce transportation emissions – achieving them will require many new drivers to consider EV options in the years to come!”

Why this initiative? The State of Vermont has goals on plug-in vehicle registrations. VTrans states in their Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan – 2023 (FFY2024) Update: “State goals…call for an increase in the total registrations of electric vehicles to 27,000 by 2025 and 126,000 by 2030 to meet the greenhouse gas emissions reductions called for in Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act.” (page 14).


Please visit the The Clean Transportation Path webpage for further details, and if interested in considering a presentation, contact GDA executive director Wayne Michaud at info@greendrivingamerica.org


Presentation pre-screenings via Zoom are available to interested educators.


Teacher recommendations of our presentations:


"My students enjoyed the presentation. When I asked them afterwards, everyone was able to cite something new that they had learned. Having just finished a unit on global warming, the students had seen some of the information before, but it was a nice extension on what we had covered in class. I especially appreciated that alternatives to electric vehicles were included, such as how to drive to waste less fuel. Via [UVM sophomore intern] did a nice job with the presentation and was friendly and open to questions."

- Wendy Gagliardi, science teacher at Mount Mansfield Union High School, Jericho, VT - 2024


"The Clean Transportation Path presentation given by Green Driving America gives students a nice overview of alternatives to driving gasoline-powered cars.  The student presenter [Cyrus, Middlebury College sophomore] did a nice job and the organization is easy to work with.

- Lea Ann Smith, math teacher/STEM Academy Leader at Essex High School, Essex Junction, VT - 2023


"Sophie [UVM freshman intern] did a great job. We had 14 students in attendance. I'd say that the information in the slides was mostly already familiar to them, and they were looking for more science and technical information on current advancements and environmental impact. Sophie was able to provide some of that by Q&A. To other STEM educators, I would say that the presentation was informative and accessible."

- Danny Brzozowski, Hartford High School Science Department Chair, Hartford, VT - 2023

All Green Driving America Inc. projects are proprietary including content and materials; permission must be obtained for use of any materials.